'Cuz it's a Holiday - Otonabee River Paddle
Monday, May 19, 2003 route:
length: 18.0km, 1 day
difficulty: beginner
leader: Naomi Miller
participants: Liam Nunn, Naomi Miller, Tim Miller,
A Lovely holiday Monday paddle-
This stretch of the Otonabee was surprisingly undeveloped, with beautiful swampy shoreline and lots of marshes and inlets for exploring.
The long weekend also brought out lots of motor-boats and PWC's- but they disappeared quickly enough around a bend and we could pretend we weren't just minutes out of Peterborough.
We were on the water about 10:30 in our new canoe, which handles beautifully, even with Liam- who was more of a stabilizing force back when he was luggage!
We stopped for lunch under the Bensfort Bridge, and supplemented our supplies by foraging for M&M's at the Bensfort Resort Office and Store.
We didn't have enough drivers to do a shuttle- but the current is slow enough that wind was a bigger factor on the upstream part of the day. A rest stop in the shade at Squirrel Creek conservation area, then back to Whitfield landing, into the car, and home in time for the hockey game!