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training opportunity intermediate paddlers more than 7 days
ORCA/CRCA Moving Water 2 Instructor course
Friday, April 25, 2003 to Sunday, May 4, 2003
length: 75.0km, 10 days
difficulty: intermediate

leader: Beth Kennedy
organizer: MKC/ORCA
participants: Allan Kostyniuk, Keith Nunn, Rick, Fred, Fiona, Kate, Beth Kennedy, Karen, Mike, Tripper Steve, Other Steve, Danielle, Gail Sheilds, Kevin Gifford, Jean Humphries, Ryan Moore, Marianne, Kevin ?, Wendy Gilmour

A great course, but rather long. I learned lots and hope to be a certified moving water instructor by the end of the summer. There were 20 participants.

posted by: Keith Nunn

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