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other events beginner paddlers 1 day
Canoe Party
Friday, February 28, 2003
length: 1 day
difficulty: beginner

organizer: Dave & Heather
participants: Beth Baskin, Cara Robinson, Harold Higdon, Heather McCance, Jessie the Wonder Hound, Keith Nunn, Liam Nunn, Michel NĂ©ray, Morgan Baskin, Naomi Miller, Peter Farr, Tim Miller, Tripper Dave,

A very belated and brief report on the Canoe Party mostly for log completeness. Given the passage of time and new faces I may be confusing folks I met there with folks I've had e-mail conversations with since, so if I've added you here and shouldn't have or left you off the attendees just let me know and I'll fix it up.

A small but entertaining crowd gathered at Dave and Heather's place for a good feed, drink, and gab. The was much looking at trip descriptions and some general trip thoughts formed. More than anything it was just nice to get together with some other canoeists.


posted by: Keith Nunn

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