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other events beginner paddlers 1 day
Lunch date
Wednesday, January 23, 2002
length: 1 day
difficulty: beginner

organizer: Timothy Snelgrove
participants: Caroline Owen, Damian Rogers, Keith Nunn, Michel NĂ©ray, Timothy Snelgrove, Tripper Dave,

Six of us got together today at Movenpick to swap stories and lies about our various adventures. Members included Keith, Tripper Dave, Caroline, Tim (Snelgrove), Damian and Michel. We got to see some great pictures of various whitewater and flatwater trips and I feel quite inspired for the upcoming season. Thanks to Damian, Tim and Michel for sharing your albums with us (and, in some cases, leaving in the riske shots too!)

We chatted about gear, food, routes and shared some horror stories of adventures gone wrong when trip members had to be flown out for various reasons. And, why is that first aid kit always in a canoe that's either way up-stream or out of sight downstream?

We talked about the trials and triumphs of travelling with kids, the treachery of bugs, what to do with spouses who don't paddle, and how to deal with storing the growing fleets of canoes that we all dream of buying.

It was great to see some old faces ...getting older since we first started hanging out together many trips ago) and meet some new

I hope to see you all on March 1 for the canoe party, provided I'm not dead and gone after spending the day moving.


posted by: Caroline Owen

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