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whitewater play novice paddlers 1 day
Black River (Washago)
Sunday, April 29, 2007
length: 8.0km, 1 day
difficulty: novice

participants: Garry Almond, Keith Nunn, Peter Farr, Ross Nairn, Stephen Farr,


A great run. The water level was pretty much perfect. Nice surfs and spins at Baby ender and Joe's hole. Astroglide at Pinkys was great. Bell Ringer was a bit bony, but what else is new?

There were lots of people on the river today. A big group with tandems and old school solo boats was there. Other paddlers I saw were Sean (orange Nitro) and John (red Phantom). Hutch was there with a teenage boy I didn't know and was paddling tandem in an open canoe if you can believe it!

Beautiful weather. Awesome run.

posted by: Keith Nunn

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