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whitewater play novice paddlers 1 day
Washago Black River
Saturday, April 21, 2007
length: 8.0km, 1 day
difficulty: novice

organizer: Peter
participants: Peter Farr, Stephen Farr,

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Stephen, Mitch and I had a great day on the Washago Black River. It is just dropping to prime levels, but was still a tiny bit high. I didn't have a thermometer but the temperature had to be over 20C.

Stephen had fun doing cartwheels and bow stalls in Baby Ender while Mitch and I were satisfied to just front surf it. It was just becoming retentive enough to side surf, but not quite.

Heading on down the river, Joe's Hole just above Lunch Rock was a steep wave starting to break. Too steep for my Ocoee, but too fast for Stephen's CU Fly. Again, just a bit above optimal.

Bellringer had lots of water running through it and made a fun run, then we carried back up to run Pinky's. Everyone caught the top tight eddy. Mitch had fun surfing the top wave, Astroglide, which was in great shape today; smooth and glassy.

The day eventually had to end and after Pinky's was the take out. All in all it was a great day.

Pictures have been posted in the gallery.

posted by: Peter Farr

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