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advanced paddlers 3 days
Gatineau River Fest
Friday, August 25, 2006 to Sunday, August 27, 2006
length: 8.0km, 3 days
difficulty: advanced

organizer: Jeff McColl
participants: Jeff McColl, Harry Hewick, Debbie Woods

I decided a week before to go when this weekend became available. It was well worth the trip.

The price for pre-booking ($60 ) was a bargin and they did the shuttle. Even though camping was on the school lawn, you had warm showers, 1 dinner and 2 breakfeasts, 2 nights camping, and a lot of entertainment and social gathering (read into that what you want)of people with the same interests. (I will post pics once I see what size to send them in.)

They even had a river trip for families on the Desert river.

The organizers shuttle you out @ 9 am and you stay on the river all day (next year pack a lunch)Even if you go alone you will find a group to paddle with. The rapids a rated 2 to 5 but there are a number of easier passages (chicken chutes) to get by, and there are a large number of easier play areas. All the rapids are easily scoutable and portagable. The trails are well marked.

On the second day I was by myself but found a small group of Quebec city paddlers that also just wanted to make a quick play run so they could drive home. I was off the river by noon and on my way home by 1.

I was worth the trip, language wasn't a barrier and I will try to go back next year.

Oh yeah, I met Peter's twin, (in paddle gear we all look the same) only his name was Pierre, and what started as a whoops became another paddler story.

posted by: Jeff McColl

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