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Petawawa River Film Night
Monday, January 19, 2004
length: 1 day

leader: South Peel Naturalists
organizer: Chris
participants: Chris Mack, Karonne Lansel, Tim Ulrick, Howard

George Drought was guest speaker at the monthly meeting. He presented a film on the Back River, one of his favorite arctic rivers, somewhere around 1000km, took about 42 days.

His film on the Petawawa was a little more polished with good original music. Great shots of the diverse scenery as you work your way from the west side to the east side of Alg park, lots of history, no carnage. Most of the footage was at low late summer levels with some shots of a grumman bashing its way through the ice in early spring.

Most of the audience were not ww paddlers and had the usual questions, George handled them all in stride. I got into a debate on where the source of the river actually is. Hap Wilson has written that the Natives consider the source to be from Wendigo Lake down the North River and into Radiant Lake instead of the Highlands.

I brought a couple of pictures from a trip I did with George and Barbara many years ago. He looked at them and immediately named the rapid, then slowly began to recognize the group we were with, even a few names too.

Afterwards refreshments and cookies were served and a good time was had by all.

posted by: Chris Mack

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